Today is the Birthday of one of the most admired and loved Arabian mares in the world. Happy 20th Birthday Kwestura! Continue reading “Kwestura 20 years old – Happy Birthday Beautiful!”
Euscera (Emigrant-Elcantara/Pamir)
One of the jewels at Valley Oak as well as a daughter of Valley Oaks king – Emigrant (Ararat-Emigrantka/Eukaliptus). This is the beautiful Euscera – a classical Polish beauty with the largest, black eyes imaginable. Continue reading “Euscera (Emigrant-Elcantara/Pamir)”
The legacy of Wizja – her first daughter Wizjera

After 5 colts the great Wizja finally had a daughter in 1988, the chestnut Wizjera. She was by the Russian stallion Tallin (Nabeg-Talantlivaia/Aswan). He was used at Tersk in 1984-1985 siring 13 foals before he arrived in Poland for an exchange with the Probat-son Gwizd. Tallin was a representative of the Bairactar sire line and his greatest achievement was his son Wojslaw (out of Wilejka – the fullsister to Wizja). He matched very well with the Szweykowska-line through Warmia producing Wilnianka (out of Wilejka) – 1989 Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare, Warsowia (out of Wendeta/Palas) – the dam of Polish Chief sire Wachlarz (by Arbil), Warsowia was sold to Lenita Perroy where she has been a very valued broodmare. Tallin is also the sire of Dzida (out of Debica/Elf) – 1988 Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare. Continue reading “The legacy of Wizja – her first daughter Wizjera”
Wieza Mocy and her family of great mares
Today, the 3rd of February, is the Birthday of a very dear friend of mine – Happy Birthday Janey! We share the love to a very special mare – Wieza Mocy – and Janey has the honor to be her caretaker. This blog post is my special gift to you Janey – and this my dear is a closer look at the family of our beloved Wieza Mocy. Continue reading “Wieza Mocy and her family of great mares”