On the 24th of January 1986 a grey filly was born at Michalow Stud and she was given the name Palestra. She was a daughter of 1985 Polish National Champion Stallion and 1987 European Champion Stallion Penitent (Partner-Penza) and out of the Bandos-daughter Patera (out Platyna/Czardasz). She would turn out to be the best daughter kept in Polish breeding of her charismatic sire. Although Palestra´s dam Patera and granddam Platyna both had good race records (Patera raced 2 seasons with 11 starts – 1xI, 4xIII, 1xI and Platyna raced 16 times during 2 seasons – 3xI, 3xII, 4xIII, 3xIV), Palestra never raced before she was put into breeding.

Palestra) 3 times Swedish National Champion Mare
Palestra was bred in 1989 to Etogram (El Paso-Etruria) – Polish, Swedish, Norwegian and Babolna Internatioal Champion Stallion and she had a filly in 1990 named Prognoza. Prognoza raced during 1 season with 8 starts and was then bred to Monogramm and produced a colt, Progres, in 1995. In 1996 she was sold to Kullatorp Arabian Stud in Sweden as one of the foundation mares. Prognoza has been successful both in the showring and as a broodmare at the stud. She is 3 times Swedish National Champion Mare and a Swedish National Liberty Champion.

Prognoza is the dam of Swedish National Reserve Champion Stallion Patriarch (by the Probat-son Lekier) and Scandinavian Open Reserve Champion Mare Pacifica (by Wadim) where Pacifica was beaten in the Championship by her dam.

Palestra had a filly in 1991 by Pamir (Probat-Parma), Piroga and in 1992 she had another filly, Palisada, this time by another Probat-son – Fawor (out of Fatma). Palisada raced for 2 seasons with 18 starts (1-4-2-2-3) and was then sold to Rohara Arabians in USA.

In 1993 Palestra was bred to Monogramm, leased from USA to stand at Michalów for two seasons. The cross would turn out to be a huge success and in 1994 the beautiful Palestyna was born.

She raced 5 times in 1997 (0-1-1-3-0) and had her first foal in 2000, a colt, Pinokio, by Emigrant. Palestyna produced one foal every year and was offered for sale at the Pride of Poland auction. She sold to Evergreen Arabians in California for the record setting prize 300.000 Euro. Left in Poland was her daughters Pampeluna (by Angor) and Pampa (by Gazal Al Shaqab).

Pampeluna later sold to a private breeder, Ataman Arabians and Pampa found her way to Halsdon Arabians in UK. Palestyna left Poland in foal to Emigrant (Ararat-Emigrantka) and produced the filly EVG Palagranta in 2005.

EVG Palagranta was sold to Sinus Arabian Stud in Sweden in 2008 and she is a valued broodmare at the farm. Palestyna has for her new owners produced the daughters EVG Pilahr (by Pershahn El Jamaal) and EVG Petra (by Stival) as well as the stallion EVG Petros (by Enzo).

EVG Pilahr is the dam of a Stival-daughter bred by Gallun Farms, Pristyna, and a daughter by FA El Rasheem, Nawader Al Zobair. EVG Petros was exported to Europe and Agmal Arabians.

Palestyna had a full-sister born in 1995, Palmira.

She is a multiple Champion Mare earning her highest titles in 2007 – Polish National Champion Mare and All Nations Cup Champion Mare. She has also been awarded with the WAHO-trophy.

Her daughter Prawica (by Ararat) was sold in 2006 to UK and she was named 2007 South East Championships Senior Champion Mare, Supreme Mare and Best in Show and 2008 Wessex Arabian Horse Show Senior Champion Mare.

Palmira has two daughter at Michalów – the amazing Gazal Al Shaqab-daughter Pistoria and the beautiful Al Maraam-daughter Parmana.

Both are very successful show-mares with Pistoria being 2007 European Junior Champion Mare, 2010 Austrian International Senior Bronze Champion Mare, 2011 European Silver Champion Mare and 2012 All Nations Cup Bronze Champion Mare.

Parmana was 2009 Bialka Spring Show Junior Reserve Champion Mare and was then leased to Athbah Stud and under their flag she won the 2010 Elran Cup Junior Bronze Champion, 2010 International Junior Gold Champion Mare in Ströhen and 2011 West Coast Cup International Junior Bronze Champion Mare.

Pistoria has to this date only produced colts.

Parmana produced one colt for Athbah Stud, Lammah Athbah (by Aja Justified)

Back at Michalów she has produced two fillies by Kahil Al Shaqab, the dark bay Parmania in 2013 and the grey Pretia in 2014.

Parmania showed successfully in 2013 and I am sure that we will see more of her and her yearling sister Pretia during 2015. Parmana had on the 12th of February 2015 a colt by Equator (QR Marc-Ekliptyka).

In 2001 Palestra was offered for sale at the Pride of Poland auction and she was sold to Al Zobair Stud in UAE for the prize of 40.000$. She was shown in the Middle East and was named 2002 Senior Champion Mare Sharjah, 2003 Middle East Championships Senior Reserve Champion Mare, 2003 Senior Champion Mare Sharjah and 2003 Senior Champion Mare in Ajman. Palestra moved to USA and was standing at Michael Byatt´s farm in Texas for several years and it was there I saw her for the last time in 2008. She spent the end of her life in the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley in the perfect care of Aljassimya Farm. Al Zobair Stud is blessed to have three daughters of Palestra, Shoola Al Zobair (by Gazal Al Shaqab) and Tamriya Al Zobair (by Marwan Al Shaqab), both born in 2008 and Mayada Al Zobair (by Besson Carol) born in 2011.

Palestra passed away peacefully in January 2015 at the admirable age of 29, leaving an amazing legacy through her beautiful daughters. Rest in peace beautiful girl and thank you for making the world more amazing!