A very special horse celebrated his 30th Birthday on the 7th of March 2015.
Happy Birthday Eldon!

Eldon was the 2013 WAHO-recipient in Poland and when he at 28 years of age was awarded with the trophy he entered the ring at Janów Podalski led by Michalów´s breeding manager Magdalena Helak-Kulczynska with his tail up and he did not disappoint the crowd – everyone could see that the “Eldon/Penitent” spark was still there.

For me Eldon will always be the bouncing stallion who managed to beat Pamir and Etogram at the Polish Nationals in 1992 and captured the coveted title of Champion Stallion. Like his sire Penitent, Eldon possess that energy and charisma and neither of them had any problem to turn on in a second.

Eldon was born in 1985, the same year as his sire Penitent was named Polish National Champion Stallion, shown by Jerzy Bialobok. Penitent was a tall, typey stallion with great motion. He raced during 2 seasons with 10 starts (2-2-3-1) and started his breeding career in 1984. Penitent was named 1987 European Champion Stallion and then he moved to his new owners at Dunromin Arabians. Director Bialobok tried on numerous occasions to lease him back to Poland but the Fisher´s did not want to part with Penitent. It would have been great to have him back as his impact has been so huge in Poland despite the fact that only 2 stallions and 5 mares have been used in breeding.

Eldon was also raced for two seasons and just like his sire he had 10 starts with the result 3xI (Comet St.), 4xII (Piechur St.), 1xIII and 1xIV (dead-heat). He started his breeding career at Michalów in 1990 and he has been standing at all four State Studs (Michalów, Janów Podlaski, Kurozweki and Bialka) during his long career.

He was also leased out to Silverdale Arabian Stud in 1993-1994 and was during his time in the UK named British National Reserve Champion Stallion.

Eldon´s daughters has proven to be great producers and they are highly regarded as broodmares. He is the sire of Anegdota (out of Angola) 1998 Bialka Spring Show Junior Champion Mare and Best in Show and 1999 Polish National Junior Champion Mare;

Emika (out of Emoza) 2001 Polish National Junior Reserve Champion Mare, 2001 Warsaw Junior Reserve Champion Mare, 2003 Warsaw Senior Champion Mare and Best in Show and 2006 Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion Mare; Persenkowka (out of Perelka) 2001 Senior Reserve Champion Mare Vilhelmsborg, 2001 Senior Champion Mare in Wels, 2006 Emerald Trophy Senior Reserve Champion Mare; Epruwetka (out of Euzebia) 2001 Midlands Group Summer Show Senior Champion Mare, 2002 Senior Reserve Champion Mare in Merrist Wood; Aris (out of Arwistawa) Czech National Reserve Champion Mare; Andromeda (out of Aneksja) 2013 Orientalica Senior Bronze Champion Mare, 2013 Int Days for Arabian Horses C-show Senior Gold Champion Ströhen and 2013 West Coast Cup Senior Silver Champion.

His son´s has also been successful in the showring with Edeon (out of Emigrantka) as the Polish National Junior Champion Stallion, British National Senior Champion Stallion and Poznan International Senior Reserve Champion Stallion; Perm (out of Persona) Danish National Champion Stallion.

Eldon has also been a very good sire of race horses and the best has been the stallion Espadero (out of Esparceta) – he raced for 2 seasons in 2000-2002 with 20 starts: 6xI (Derby St., Michalow St., Wielki Szlem St.), 6xII (Kabaret St., Arabian Produce – Janow Podlaski St., Criterium St.), 2xIII (Bialka St.), 3xIV (Criterium St., Kurozweki St., Figaro St.), 1xV (Europa Cup). Espadero was also awarded with the prize 2003 Polish National Recipient of Best Racehorse of the Show. He was standing at Janów Podlaski in 2002-2006 before he was sold to Adiemier Arabian Estate in Australia at the Pride of Poland auction in 2006.

Eldon is also the sire of Fiszka (out of Falba) Polish Oaks winner; Parad (out of Partytura) Wielki Szlem and Bask Stakes winner; Escorial (out of Etra) Kabaret Stakes winner; Eunos (out of Eunona) and Eskat (out of Emiliana) both winners of the Amurath Stakes.

But the most famous of Eldon´s offspring is his son Piaff (out of Pipi). He raced for 2 seasons with 20 starts (2-4-2-3) and he has a great show record being both Polish National Junior and Senior Champion Stallion, Dutch National Champion Stallion when on lease to De Vlasakker Arabians and during his lease to Aria Arabians in USA he earned the titles of Region II Champion Stallion in Burbank, Region III Champion Stallion in Reno, Top Ten US National Champion Stallion and Scottsdale Arabian Show Reserve Champion Stallion Sport Horse In-Hand.

Piaff has been a very valuable sire producing the Polish Chief sires Alert (out of Andaluzja) 2010 Polish National Champion Stallion and Albedo (out of Albigowa).

Alert is thus the 4th generation Polish National Champion Stallion (with the 5th generation being the 1979 Polish National Reserve Champion Stallion Partner, the sire of Penitent).

Piaff is also the sire of Echo Apollo (out of Echo Kallisto) WAHO-trophy winner; Anawera (out of Altamira) Bialka Spring Show Junior Gold Champion Mare and in USA the great performance horse Kalaloch (out of Ahbliss) multiple Champion in Working Cow, Reined Cow Horse and Sport Horse Under Saddle.

Eldon´s dam Erotyka is a daughter of 1980 Polish National Reserve Champion Stallion Eufrat (Elf-Estebna), who died at young age in 1981.

Erotyka´s belongs to the celebrated Milordka family through the mare Lala and her daughter Ela.

Eldon is now retired and enjoy his life at Michalów as the oldest Arabian horse at the farm.

He made a huge impact on Polish breeding and his descendants will secure that his great legacy will breed on. Happy Birthday Eldon!